fall (2013 for those of you reading this in the future), I was
approached by the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh to serve on the
steering committee for a project they wanted to create. The history
of the Holocaust is horrific, but they wanted to find a way to
celebrate the lives and stories of people who stood up against Nazi oppression and made a difference. The basic concept they had in mind
was to utilize the metaphor of the Superhero to talk about real
people who did heroic things during the Holocaust.
might sound, at first, like a strange idea, until you realize that
most of the writers, artists, and creators of superheroes and comic books in
the 1930s and 1940s were Jewish. Superman, Batman,
Captain America and dozens of others of these brightly colored heroes
first appeared at the exact same time as the events of the Holocaust
that led up to World War II.
The Holocaust Center worked in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Toonseum. I
was recruited in my role as Resident Comics Scholar and Comic Book Historian for the Toonseum. Initially I
thought my primary function was to offer them knowledge and research
on the topic of comics of the time period. As the project grew and
took shape my role expanded (not that I am in any way solely
responsible for the project... lots of talented and motivated people
took part in bringing this to fruition). This blog is a brief
introduction to the project. There will be future entries that
explain some of the pieces of this in more detail.
our early meetings I learned the word Upstander, a term that is used
to describe anyone who stood against the Nazi regime. I inadvertently
named the project. We were brainstorming ideas for a name and I
jokingly said “Chutz-Pow!” with the emphasis on the POW part
because it's a comic book sound effect. I thought it was over the
top, but everybody loved it. So, Chutz-POW!: Superheroes of the
Holocaust was born.
are three phases of Chutz-POW! (at least as I see it right now...
this is designed to be an ongoing and evolving project that could
last for years. I know the Holocaust Center has other plans for the
future of this, but for right now there are three I want to talk
one is a museum display focusing on the early history of comics and
the symbolic connections of the Superhero with the Upstander. This
display will feature information on international Upstanders
accompanied by comics style artwork by a number of local Pittsburgh
artists (I'll talk about this more specifically in a future blog).
This display premieres this weekend at the annual 3 Rivers Arts Festival running June 6 through the 15th. Though my
primary role in this project has been as a writer I contributed a
piece of comics art for this display. I was fascinated by the story
of the Upstander Sophie Scholl and chose her as the subject of my
page. For more info on Sophie her Wikipedia page is a good place to
start, but there's a lot more. I'll be blogging more about her as
![]() |
This is a photo of the exhibit panel featuring my art of Sophie Scholl. I'll post a scan of the original art in my next blog when I talk about this process. |
museum exhibit is designed to be displayed at other museums in the
future. It will be on display at the Pittsburgh Toonseum later this
summer. There are plans for it to appear at comic book conventions
and, if all goes well, at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, and
perhaps even in a museum in Israel.
two of Chutz-POW! is the part I was most involved in. We decided that
it would be a good idea to produce an actual comic book. My
experience as a writer and a comic book creator, as well as my
background in research, made me the obvious choice to be the writer
on the project. I also know a lot of the local comics artists and
have good working relationships with them, which is essential in a
project like this. The comic tells the stories of five local
Pittsburgh Upstanders and is in the final stages of completion as I
write this. It is scheduled to be published and available later this
summer, so I will talk about that in more detail when the time comes.
three is the part I have the least involvement with. The Holocaust
Center plans an educational program where the comic will be utilized
in middle schools and high schools as an aid in teaching the
Holocaust. This will be an ongoing program.
the meantime, go check out the Chutz-Pow! exhibit at the 3 Rivers
Arts Festival!
I wrote an intro for the Museum Exhibit that ended up not being used
in its entirety due to space limitations on the display. I really
like it, so I'm posting it below. This serves as a pretty good
introduction to the ideas we have been working with over the course
of this project.
Holocaust Intro – First Draft
While the concept of the Hero in
fiction dates back to antiquity the modern genre of the Superhero was
born with the first appearance of Superman in Action Comics #1 in
1938. The ideas that we most associate with the superhero were all
present in that first thirteen page story: a brightly colored
costume, a secret identity, and powers and abilities beyond those of
normal men. Superman was a character that would forever change the
world of heroic fiction and inspired a legion of characters that show
no signs of abating.
Superman was the creation of
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The two Jewish teenagers originally
conceived of the character while living in Cleveland. By the time
Superman first appeared they were working regularly as a writer and
an artist for National Periodicals, the company that would one day
become DC Comics.
Many of the earliest creators of
the comic book industry were Jewish. The man who created the format
of the modern comic book in 1929 was Max “Ginsberg” Gaines.
National Periodicals was founded as a publishing company by Harry
Donenfeld and Jack Liebowitz. Creators like Will Eisner, Jerry Iger,
Joe Simon, Jack Kirby (Kurtzburg), Stan Lee (Lieber), and Bob Kane
became the foundation upon which the entire comics industry was
Like most Jewish families living
in America in the 1930s they heard stories of what was happening in
Germany under Hitler and Nazi rule. Jewish heritage, culture, and
political awareness could not help but find its way into the art they
Superheroes were calling for
American intervention in their stories for months before the start of
World War II. The most famous example of this is the cover of Captain
America #1 (by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby), where the good Captain is
seen punching Hitler in the jaw. This was published in March, 1941,
months before Pearl Harbor and years before American troops set foot
in Europe.
The superhero became enormously
successful in a very short period of time. In the last days of the
Depression with another World War looming, it was a time in need of
heroes. These characters served as an inspiration. Though they had
powers beyond that of normal humans, the lessons they taught were
available to us all. Do the right thing. Stand up for yourself and
for those who can't stand up for themselves. Recognize evil and stand
against it. Fight for what you believe in if that cause is just. They
were easily understood metaphors for everyone who read them.
The stories of superheroes
covered the pages of magazines in brightly colored glory, but the
truly heroic acts of that era were accomplished by very real human
beings, many of whom will never be celebrated or even known. The
Chutz-Pow! exhibit is an attempt to share the stories of some of
these real life heroes. There were no costumes or special powers.
They were simply men and women who stood up against evil. If the
superhero is defined by his ability to inspire others to heroic
actions then these men and women are superheroes indeed.
Their lives are proof of a simple
can all stand up. We can all be heroes.
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